Direct Response Marketing Expert, Andrew Cass Urges Businesses to Face the Ugly Truth About Email
Andrew Cass, Co-founder and President of RemarkaMobile, tells business owners to rethink their marketing budgets to focus on SMS Text Marketing first and foremost in conjunction with email and direct mail.
Miami, FL, February 2, 2015: Co-founder and President of RemarkaMobile, Andrew Cass, nationally recognized expert on Direct Response Marketing, has posted a new blog on the RemarkaMobile website entitled, “The Short Code to Take Your Marketing From Ugly to Magnetically Attractive.” While the learning curve may be somewhat challenging to businesses, the end results of SMS Text Marketing are as Andrew Cass states in his most recent blog, “magical.”
Cass writes, “Five little numbers and a compelling offer can take your business places you never dreamed possible. It’s something that no other means of marketing communication can do on its own, not email nor direct mail.”
First Cass reviews the “ugly statistics” quoting from DM News, “In 2014 email volume increased by 9% year over year. Open rates decreased by another 3% this year. Unique clicks down by 14%. The average purchase price from products being sold via Email dropped 31%.”He continues, “Do not, I stress DO NOT be fooled by the email volume increase rate. Pay attention to the fact that “open rates decreased by “another 3%.” That additional 3% is on top of three consecutive years of decrease rates.”
Cass acknowledges the appeal of email to many businesses writing, “So, while email may be an inexpensive marketing tool, and more businesses are being seduced into using it exclusively because it’s basically free, it is not an effective means of communication – at least not on its own.”
Turning toward the nugget at the heart of his blog, Cass writes, “Which brings me to the beautiful truth about SMS Text Marketing. Short five digit codes, compelling offers, building lists, building relationships, this is where the magic is.” He is not saying to dump either email or direct mail. He states, “Do this in conjunction with email and direct mail and the rewards will make your head spin!”
According to Cass, “The emphasis must be on building your SMS Text Marketing list and campaigns. That’s where your audience is, no matter who your audience is.”
The entire blog can be found at
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About RemarkaMobile:
RemarkaMobile is a group of Certified Mobile Marketing Advisors who specialize in showing smart business owners and savvy entrepreneurs how to get a fast Return On Investment (ROI) using Mobile Text (SMS) Marketing to grow their business. Our team of experts shows you how to build ongoing Text campaigns and deliver clear, targeted messages to customers’ mobile devices.
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