Direct Response Marketing Expert, Andrew Cass Tells Entrepreneurs They Must Focus on Mobile First
Andrew Cass, Co-founder and President of RemarkaMobile, says that fixed computing still has its place in business as a system of record. However the agility and flexibility of mobile marketing is taking precedence as a system of engagement.
Miami, FL, August 27, 2014: Co-founder and President of RemarkaMobile, Andrew Cass, nationally recognized expert on Direct Response Marketing, has posted a new article on the Remarkamobile wesbsite entitled, The PC Is Still Alive and Well, But the Focus Must Be Mobile First. Leisurely browsing for products and services, then acting later has been the historical use of the Internet. Those represent the olden days.
According to Andrew Cass, “Today’s entrepreneurs would be considered behind the times if they do not focus on mobile first.” He echoes the Digital Clarity Group who actually pities “the would-be entrepreneur whose start-up business plan does not embrace mobile first.”
Cass goes on to say that, “Marketing in the mobile environment gives rise to new opportunities and new ways of achieving them. More than ever there is a need to make adjustments from the old ways of doing business to the new.”
Andrew establishes that SMS Text Marketing is the fastest growing segment of this new environment. He continues, “The fact that we take our smart phones and pads with us everywhere we go and that they are always on presents us with a customer engagement strategy of doing business. It is the responsibility of today’s entrepreneurs to address and anticipate needs and desires with an immediacy and contextual relevance that is far more likely to result in a favorable response…”
RemarkaMobile specializes in showing smart business owners and savvy entrepreneurs how to get a fast ROI using Mobile Text (SMS) Marketing.
The entire article can be found at
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About RemarkaMobile:
RemarkaMobile is a group of Certified Mobile Marketing Advisors who specialize in showing smart business owners and savvy entrepreneurs how to get a fast Return On Investment (ROI) using Mobile Text (SMS) Marketing to grow their business. Our team of experts shows you how to build ongoing Text campaigns and deliver clear, targeted messages to customers’ mobile devices.
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