Direct Response Marketing Expert, Andrew Cass Says One Activity Could Mean Thrive or Die For Businesses
Andrew Cass, Co-founder and President of RemarkaMobile, urges business owners to shift their attention from email communications that are failing to deliver results and turn to mobile list building.
Miami, FL, February 18, 2015: Co-founder and President of RemarkaMobile, Andrew Cass, nationally recognized expert on Direct Response Marketing, has posted a new article on the RemarkaMobile website entitled, “The Most Important Item on Your 2015 To Do List: Build Mobile List.” As Bob Dylan once sang, “Times they are a changing.” Andrew Cass knows this better than most and is beating the drum for change as loudly as he can.
Cass writes, “ Think about reality for just a minute. Look around you and realize what’s going on. Everyone, everywhere has a mobile device in hand. They are communicating with someone all the time. They are receiving and sending messages, posting pictures, looking at YouTube videos, searching for a place to eat, scheduling appointments, looking for the latest doo-dad, discovering the latest trend, 24/7. They are not opening emails and most people are not even talking on their phones. They are texting.”
While it takes some longer than others to see what’s happening, Cass warns, “Some businesses think they are staying alive with all their communications going into email marketing. However, what they cannot see is how quickly this marketing tool is falling and failing to deliver robust results. Email open rates are falling like a rock being dropped off a cliff. Just because you can’t see what happens to your email message after you hit “send” don’t think for a moment it’s doing what you intend for it to do.”
According to Cass, “Building a mobile list is the single most important activity you, as a person doing business today can do.” He continues, “I will repeat this over and over and over again because SMS Text Marketing is the newest, biggest wave in marketing communication we have ever seen. Those who ignore it will be ignored. They will vanish, disappearing like 8 track tapes. If you don’t know what those are, that’s the point!”
He invites readers to change their perspective, writing, “So, instead of thinking of the Internet, think of it as the MobileNet. The world is on the go and if your business goes with this mobile target and builds relationships, you can see growth like you’ve never known before.”
While SMS Text Marketing needs to be the focus according to Cass, he doesn’t advise throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Cass writes, “I am not saying to do away with email marketing completely. I am saying you need to make SMS Text Marketing your primary marketing tool. Support those efforts with email and direct mail for communications strategy that covers all your bases and supports each other.” He adds, “Capture the attention, the imagination and the loyalty of your target market through SMS Text Marketing. Special offers and services to this group of customers builds loyalty and respect. Support those efforts with email and direct mail. When you have a relationship with your customers, their willingness to open your email and direct mail is going to be much greater.”
The entire article can be found at
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About RemarkaMobile:
RemarkaMobile is a group of Certified Mobile Marketing Advisors who specialize in showing smart business owners and savvy entrepreneurs how to get a fast Return On Investment (ROI) using Mobile Text (SMS) Marketing to grow their business. Our team of experts shows you how to build ongoing Text campaigns and deliver clear, targeted messages to customers’ mobile devices.
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