Direct Response Marketing Expert Andrew Cass Launches Free eNewsletter Loaded With Tips for SMS Text Marketing Success
Andrew Cass, Co-founder and President of RemarkaMobile, keeps business owners focused on SMS Text Marketing list building with the launch of Mobile Marketing Insider, a free weekly eNewsletter.
Miami, FL, September 8, 2014: Co-founder and President of RemarkaMobile, Andrew Cass, nationally recognized expert on Direct Response Marketing, has posted a new blog on the RemarkaMobile website entitled, RemarkaMobile Launches Mobile Marketing Insider.
Cass speaks to what happens as a result of focus, asking, “Have you ever heard that what you focus on expands? It’s a fact. What you put your attention on, and what you put your energy into tends to grow.”
Cass and his company, RemarkaMobile, focuses on helping businesses get a fast ROI (return on investment) using SMS Text Marketing to grow their businesses. And, as Cass points out, with the launch of Mobile Marketing Insider, a free eNewsletter, “RemarkaMobile continues to help you keep your attention laser-focused on SMS Text Marketing success.”
“Mobile Marketing Insider,” says Cass, “delivers insights, tips and strategies on a weekly basis to help you build a bigger, better database of mobile ready customers.”
With unprecedented growth continuing unabated, Cass states that, “SMS Text Marketing is currently a $200 Billion global business and still growing. Every business can learn to use SMS Text Marketing to develop better relationships with existing customers and to attract loyal, new customers. And, best of all, it can be done without massive marketing budgets.”
RemarkaMobile specializes in showing smart business owners and savvy entrepreneurs how to get a fast ROI using Mobile Text (SMS) Marketing.
The entire blog can be found at
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About RemarkaMobile:
RemarkaMobile is a group of Certified Mobile Marketing Advisors who specialize in showing smart business owners and savvy entrepreneurs how to get a fast Return On Investment (ROI) using Mobile Text (SMS) Marketing to grow their business. Our team of experts shows you how to build ongoing Text campaigns and deliver clear, targeted messages to customers’ mobile devices.
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