Direct Response Marketing Expert, Andrew Cass Launches Exciting, Must-See Video Through RemarkaMobile
Andrew Cass, Co-founder and President of RemarkaMobile, says new “How To Make Money With Mobile” video launch is aimed at helping businesses and entrepreneurs understand and profit from the exponentially growing SMS Text Marketing shift.
Miami, FL, October 30, 2014: Co-founder and President of RemarkaMobile, Andrew Cass, nationally recognized expert on Direct Response Marketing, has posted a new blog on the RemarkaMobile website entitled, RemarkaMobile Launches Exciting New Videos To Help You Profit From SMS Text Marketing. Despite the global use of mobile phones, pads and other smart devices, some business owners are still not receptive to the idea of SMS Text Marketing.
As Andrew Cass says, “If you are still having trouble envisioning the future of SMS Text Marketing, you owe it to yourself to view “How To Make Money with Mobile”, the new, just released RemarkaMobile Affiliate Program Video.” Email is no longer the communication all-star it once was, even though some businesses are just coming around to the idea that it may be a viable money making option.
According to Cass, “It’s still early enough to become an early adopter and profit from the greatest, most historic shift in marketing communications. Most business owners still don’t get it. Many are just making their way to email marketing and think they can still profit in that arena. They would just as soon create a marketing campaign in Morse code than SMS Text Marketing.” The lack of understanding may be due to the unorthodox speed at which SMS Text Marketing has emerged.”
The entire post can be found at
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About RemarkaMobile:
RemarkaMobile is a group of Certified Mobile Marketing Advisors who specialize in showing smart business owners and savvy entrepreneurs how to get a fast Return On Investment (ROI) using Mobile Text (SMS) Marketing to grow their business. Our team of experts shows you how to build ongoing Text campaigns and deliver clear, targeted messages to customers’ mobile devices.
A brand new breed is being born. This breed is mobile, immediately responsive, engaged and adaptable and has been captured on the just released RemarkaMobile video “How To Make Money With Mobile.”