Dentist and Author Dr. Thomas Kachorek Hits Best Seller List

Dr. Thomas Kachorek, Michigan General and Cosmetic Dentist, recently hit two separate best-seller lists with the new book, More Than a Mouthful.

Clinton Township, Mich. – October 12, 2011 – Dr. Thomas Kachorek, of Baypointe Dental P.C., recently joined a select group of leading dental professionals from across the nation to co-write and release the health book titled, More Than a Mouthful: America’s Leading Dentists Reveal How to Get Healthy and Stay Healthy By Taking Care of Your Teeth! Nick Nanton, Esq. along with business partner, JW Dicks, Esq., signed a publishing deal with each of these authors to contribute their expertise to the book, which will be released under their CelebrityPress™ imprint.

More Than a Mouthful: America’s Leading Dentists Reveal How to Get Healthy and Stay Healthy By Taking Care of Your Teeth was released on Thursday, October 6, 2011 and features top advice from some of the most successful dental professionals from across the country.  The authors discuss how total body health starts in the mouth. Dr. Kachorek contributed the foreword as well as a chapter titled “The Vital Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth.”

On the day of release, More Than a Mouthful reached best-seller status in two categories: Medical/Dentistry and Medical/Dental Hygiene.

Dr. Kachorek was voted one of America’s top dentists by the Consumers Research Council of America in Washington, D.C. He was also honored to be included in HOUR Detroit magazine for being selected by a vote of his peers as a “Top Dentist” for the last four years in a row.  He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Michigan Dental Association, and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr. Kachorek is an advocate of continuing education to maintain the standards of excellence in his field. He is currently working towards his Masters in the Academy of General Dentistry. This is an accreditation earned by less than 1% of dentists nationwide.

Dr. Kachorek has also authored a consumers guide to dentistry book entitled Say Cheese in 2010.  He gives talks throughout the Metro Detroit area on general health and diabetes.

From CelebrityPress:

“You don’t have to brush your teeth, only the ones you want to keep!” ~ Author unknown Dental technicians have been around for a long time. Tooth extraction has been practiced from the time of early man, most of which would not qualify as comfortable. From those painful beginnings sprung the practice of modern dentistry. Because of the pain they were formerly associated with, dentists were made fun of constantly. We had one-liners like this Rodney Dangerfield quote: “I told my dentist that my teeth were going yellow. He told me to wear a brown tie.” Dentists know that many of us are still motivated to visit them because of pain or the threat of pain! But, in case you were not aware, you can now visit the dentist for ‘pain-free’ treatment – unlike those days when pain from toothaches trumped everything else. In this twenty-first century, dental health has improved in ways that were not imaginable twenty years ago. Also, new links between general health and our teeth are firmly established and our health and dental education now comes primarily from local dentists. In addition, dentists are now fully engaged with the maintenance of our smiles and self-esteem – a pre-eminent psychological offshoot. In this book, dental health education and advice is presented by our Celebrity Expert Dentists. It is critical and purposeful. It includes the latest advances in dentistry for our smiles as well as our overall physical and mental health, and that’s…. ‘More Than A Mouthful!’

After such a successful release Dr. Thomas Kachorek will be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.

To order a copy of the book, go to

To learn more about Dr. Thomas Kachorek visit

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Posted Under: More Than A Mouthful