Dawn McIntyre, Founder of Boldly Beautiful® International, Publishes a New Blog Appreciating Women During Mother’s Day
The founder of Boldly Beautiful® International and author of The New 10 and expert on redefining beauty for women, Dawn McIntyre, writes a new blog, Appreciation of the Women in Your Life, suggesting that we take time to thank the women who pour love into our lives – whether mothers or not.
CALGARY, ALBERTA – May 13, 2011 – Dawn McIntyre, founder and CEO of Boldly Beautiful® International, a self esteem, confidence building and spiritual growth company, recently published a blog on her website, www.boldlybeautiful.com that urges us to act on the gratitude we have for the women nurturers in our life. The blog, titled “Appreciation of the Women in Your Life,” takes the opportunity to expand the reach of this month’s Mother’s Day celebration.
Dawn writes, “With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, have you thought about the women in your life? Whether they are mothers or not, it’s important to recognize the amazing love that you are receiving from the women in your life! Now is the perfect time for that.”
“We all have women friends or family who come to mind that act as that person that you might run to in time of need. They may be your mother, or they might not. The important thing is that they are the person who will take care of you and comfort you in your time of greatest need. During this month of Mother’s Day, I encourage you to take time to really appreciate the woman or women who are the nurturers in your life (whether they are mothers or not) during this season of time. Send a card, give a call, or say a prayer in gratitude for the love that pours out of that woman and into your life,” says McIntyre.
Boldly Beautiful® International specializes in helping women and teens build their self confidence and grow spiritually. Through a variety of coaching programs, they help clients with developing personal intuition, learning to see their inner beauty and becoming masters of their life dreams.
The entire blog can be found at http://boldlybeautiful.com/innerbeauty/?p=420
To learn more about Boldly Beautiful® International, please visit http://www.boldlybeautiful.com/
About Boldly Beautiful® International:
Boldly Beautiful® International’s mission is to help women and teens feel beautiful and develop a healthy self-esteem, from the inside out. The company offers an Intuitive Mastery Mentoring Program, a Self Mastery Mentoring Program and an incredible EFT program called Beauty Beyond Belief. Both of these programs are designed for women and teens, and moms and daughters are encouraged to experience them together.
Founder and CEO of Boldly Beautiful® International, Dawn McIntyre is a Professional Spiritual Intuitive, with expertise in leading men and women into higher states of expansion and beauty consciousness. Developing her intuition was her path to full expression of being. As a professional and expert in this area, Dawn encourages the development of this amazing quality that we all have as a part of Boldly Beautiful’s programs and coaching sessions.
Dawn is the best-selling author of Big Ideas for Your Business (Celebrity Press 2009), the best-selling author of Shift Happens (Celebrity Press 2009) and is the forthcoming author of Bouncing Back – Thriving Through Changing Times and The New 10 – Beauty Redefined ….a 40 Day Program to Your Infinite Beauty and Perfection of Being, released in February 2010.