David Osgathorp, BSc (Hons.) Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress For New Book, “Rapid Body Makeover”
Health and Fitness Expert David Osgathorp will team with CelebrityPress, a leading book publishing company, and several leading fitness experts from around the world to release the book, “Rapid Body Makeover.”
London, England – July 10, 2014 – David Osgathorp, BSc (Hons.), owner of Performance & Wellbeing Centre, has joined a select group of the world’s leading fitness and wellness experts to co-write the forthcoming book titled, Rapid Body Makeover: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal Proven Health, Fitness & Nutrition Secrets to Help You Achieve the Body You’ve Always Wanted but Couldn’t Have Until Now! Nick Nanton, Esq., along with business partner, JW Dicks, Esq., recently signed a publishing deal with David and the other authors to contribute their expertise to the book, which will be released under their CelebrityPress™ imprint. David will contribute a chapter titled, “All About You.”
David remarked, “Being involved in this project allows me to make a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of so many people, to make that definite difference.
“As well as writing about health and wellbeing, I also walk the walk in the real world having established my own Performance & Wellbeing Centre in Highgate Village, London. I now lead a team of 20 trainers, therapists and class instructors working from my 4000 square foot site in one of the most exclusive areas in London,” he continued.
David’s multi-disciplinary approach has attracted clients from all walks of life – including athletes, actors, medical professionals and those with disabilities. He writes regularly for his own in-house publications as well as for the local press, and delivers corporate wellness programs to Fortune 500 companies on health and wellbeing in the workplace.
From CelebrityPress™:
The guidance you can get from the PremierExperts® in this book will take you through various body makeovers under a variety of conditions. However, regardless of your present condition, these authors can invariably show you how to accomplish your desired objective. They are experts by virtue of having ‘been there and done that.’
Regardless of the shape you’re in, this book will answer some most important questions, focusing on three categories that influence a Rapid Body Makeover: mindset, nutrition and exercise. The coaching you will receive will help you to make long-lasting changes that will affect your life, your health and your appearance.
The book is expected to be published in the summer of 2014.
Learn more about David Osgathorp at www.davidosgathorp.com and www.aayou.co.uk
About Celebrity Press™:
Celebrity Press™ is a leading business, health and wellness book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Dr. Ivan Misner, Robert Allen and many of the biggest experts across diverse fields. CelebrityPress™ has helped launch over 1400 best-selling authors to date.
Learn more at http://www.celebritypresspublishing.com