Credit Repair Expert Herschel Bentley Featured on FOX as Guest on The Michael E. Gerber Show
Herschel Bentley, credit repair expert, was recently seen on FOX and other network affiliates across the country as an expert guest on The Michael E. Gerber Show.
Orlando, Fla. – July 7, 2011 – Herschel Bentley, of National Credit Federation, was recently an expert guest on The Michael E. Gerber Show. Michael E. Gerber, internationally recognized best-selling author and consultant, hosts the show that was recently featured on FOX and other major network affiliates across the country.
“The Michael E. Gerber Show” features an interview format, with Michael E. Gerber interviewing business leaders and marketing experts from around the world. Herschel Bentley was one of Mr. Gerber’s recent guests, discussing how National Credit Federation provides its members with access to resources normally unavailable to “non credit worthy” consumers: financing, banking, credit lines, professional legal assistance, personal financial coaching and personal financial education.
A nationwide membership based organization, National Credit Federation (commonly called NCF) assists those who are going through a financial difficulty or need a dramatic improvement in their credit score. NCF helps people who are now “outside the storm” understand the time frame of reparation, what caused the bad reports that suppressed their scores in the first place and what they need to do to get their credit repaired in the time frame related to their potential purchase. Bentley stresses that his company can help clients increase their scores by recommending additional lines of credit. The only ones he can’t help are those who are currently still “in a financial storm,” i.e. that are still unemployed and having problems meeting their monthly budget or perhaps still in bankruptcy.”
Michael E. Gerber is a true legend of entrepreneurship. Inc. Magazine called him “the World’s #1 Small Business guru.” One of BusinessWeek’s bestselling authors over the past two decades, his New York Times Best Selling Book, The E-Myth Revisited has sold over 5,000,000 copies in 29 languages. Michael’s passion and genius for entrepreneurship has transformed over 70,000+ businesses in 145 countries in the last three decades. Michael believes all entrepreneurs seek a path that has, at its core, a higher, more inspiring meaning than just making money, or selling a product, or seizing market share. Above all, they are trailblazers seeking to transform lives in all that they do.
The Michael E. Gerber Show was produced by Nick Nanton, Esq. and JW Dicks, Esq. Dicks and Nanton are also the founders and producers of the organization and TV show, America’s PremierExperts®.
To learn more about Herschel Bentley, please visit
About Herschel Bentley:
Herschel Bentley, a 27-year mortgage veteran who segued into real estate investing in the early 2000s, faced his own personal financial crisis–but instead of giving into despair, ultimately found a way to help thousands of people as the Founder and Executive Director of the Tampa based company National Credit Federation.
Bentley had numerous lease option properties at the time, but with the mortgage market crumbling—and the days of subprime lending over–he found that all his potential buyers had severe credit issues. When he realized the only way to get those who wanted to buy properties “to the table” was to help them repair their credit, he started doing that on the side. Within a few years, he had a thriving new business.
National Credit Federation (commonly called NCF) assists those who are going through a financial difficulty or need a dramatic improvement in their credit score. The average NCF member increases his or her credit score 127 points after just six months.
“When people are back on their feet, working again, just because they may have had an issue last year, the credit bureau shouldn’t have the right to prevent them from buying a car or property,” Bentley says. “If they can validate the mark, fine, but if they can’t, we can make it go away.
As the NCF website says, members can look forward to the feeling of: confidence from being re-inserted back into the credit economy; excitement of seeing their credit score bolstered to the highest possible level; acceptance from being approved for the credit they need and deserve; pride associated with home ownership; security in knowing that emergencies can be addressed less stressfully; and improved self-worth.
Bentley is always inspired by the numerous testimonials he receives that thank him and NCF for helping them through a process (that they first thought might be so difficult) that ultimately helps them achieve their dreams. He says, “I love the letters that say, ‘If it weren’t for you, we would not have been able to buy our home.’ But helping our client is just the start of a very powerful chain reaction that helps a variety of people and businesses. We are also helping their mortgage broker, the title company, the appraiser…all the way up to helping the lender create another asset on someone they were only willing to take on because of the groundwork we laid. That’s a long way from day one where our client comes to us in a bleak situation, distraught and unsure where they are at.
To learn more about Herschel Bentley, please visit