Communication Expert, Eileen O’Neill, Hits Amazon Best-Seller List With New Book, “The Relationship Age”
Eileen O’Neill, communication and media expert, recently hit’s Best-Seller List with the new book, “The Relationship Age,” climbing to #1 in three categories.
Orlando, Fla. – November 23, 2010 – Eileen O’Neill, communication expert and English language consultant,, recently released a book with noted relationship marketing and social media expert, Mari Smith, and others titled, The Relationship Age: The world’s leading experts teach you PROVEN strategies for creating profitable relationships in the world of Social Media. The book was published by Nick Nanton, Esq., and business partner JW Dicks, Esq. under their CelebrityPress® imprint.
Eileen O’Neill sees herself as a communicator. She has worked in all forms of media communications: print, video, radio, multi-media, social media, etc. And as an extension of her love for the field of communications she began working with non-native English speakers in order to help them converse with the large English-speaking world. In her professional life, whether as an English language consultant or working in various fields of the media, she aims to help people express themselves and build strong, communicative relationships with each other.
Having embraced the new social media revolution and do-it-yourself technological tools, she has developed an approach that helps her students and clients improve their English language skills while they become aware of and use these means both professionally and personally, so that they are able to share their expertise and, with the use of English, foster global relationships.
Eileen O’Neill authored a chapter in the book titled “Social Media as the backbone of my ESL/EFL teaching.”
The book, The Relationship Age: The world’s leading experts teach you PROVEN strategies for creating profitable relationships in the world of Social Media, was released on Thursday, November 11th and reached #1 in three categories. These categories were Web Marketing, Direct Marketing and E-Commerce.
The Relationship Age features Eileen O’Neill, Nick Nanton, Esq., JW Dicks, Esq. and Mari Smith, along with other leading experts, businesspeople and entrepreneurs from around the world. The book explores how building relationships through social media, both online and off, can lead to profits.
To order a copy of the book, go to
After such a successful release, Eileen O’Neill will soon be inducted into The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.
To learn more about Eileen O’Neill and how you can use the new social media in English second language or English foreign language teaching and training, visit
To learn more about CelebrityPress®, please visit
About Eileen O’Neill:
Eileen O’Neill sees herself as a communicator. She has worked in all forms of media communications: print, video, radio, multi-media, social media, etc. And as an extension of her love for the field of communications she began working with non-native English speakers in order to help them converse with the large English-speaking world.
In her professional life, whether as an English language consultant or working in various fields of the media, she aims to help people express themselves and build strong, communicative relationships with each other.
As an English language teacher, trainer, coach she works with international businesses, university professors, health care professionals, senior citizens, as well as younger students. She has been an English language consultant for over 20 years and has lived and worked in Italy, Pakistan, Kenya, the Pacific Islands and the United States.
In the field of the media she has worked for an international radio station, in the publishing field, in marketing and in videography. Having embraced the new social media revolution and do-it-yourself technological tools, she has develop an approach which helps her students and clients improve their English language skills while they become aware of and use these means both professionally and personally, so that they are able to share their expertise and, with the use of English, foster global relationships.
About Celebrity Press™:
Celebrity Press™ is a business book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. Celebrity Press™ specializes in helping its authors grow their businesses through book publishing. Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Brian Tracy, Ron Legrand, Mari Smith, Kelly O’Neil, Alexis Martin Neely and many other of the biggest experts across diverse fields.
If you’d like to learn more about Celebrity Press™ or to see if we’re a good fit for your book project, please visit
About The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™:
The National Academy of Best Selling Authors™ was founded by two attorneys, JW Dicks, Esq. and Nick Nation, Esq. who are also best selling authors and represent authors and experts nationwide. Both of the attorneys are members of multiple organizations, associations and academies that recognize and honor the best in the business, and they thought a similar organization should be created for Best Selling authors who don’t always get recognition for their accomplishment. Authors themselves, they recognized that only a very limited number of books made the major New York Times Best Seller list and just like the awards shows put on by the entertainment-based organizations, they wanted to have more categories for authors to be accepted and recognized for their accomplishment. The National Academy of Best Selling Authors™ now honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.
To find out more about The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™ visit