Co-Founder of Red Feather Financial, Dr. Sabrina Scott Shares Personal Stories That Illustrate ‘The Fair Principle’ She Adopted As A Child And Continues To Live By
Dr. Sabrina Scott admits to causing embarrassment to her family when she sees something that seems to be unfair or when preferential treatment is being shown and she is irresistibly compelled to speak up.
DECATUR, GA, December 20, 2019: Dr. Sabrina Scott, co-founder of Red Feather Financial, has posted a new article on the firm’s website entitled “Do the Right Thing.” Dr. Scott admits to not feeling right if the universe seems to be out of balance and she can correct it by taking some action or speaking up.
Dr. Scott states, “Much to my family’s embarrassment I am one of those people who are compelled to do the right thing no matter how uncomfortable it might make me or those around me.” She admits, “This may be a continuation of the fair principle that my sister and I maintained as kids. When either one of us saw something that showed preferential treatment for someone at the expense of another (usually ourselves I admit), we would yell “That’s not Fair!”
“From getting a family to leave a restaurant to go to their car where they had left their dogs locked in on a hot day,” shares Dr. Scott, adding, “to asking a lone cashier to call for assistance given she had 20+ people in her line, I’m not hesitant to speak my mind.” “In the latter case,” says Dr. Scott, “I wasn’t even in line. I just couldn’t take the agony of those waiting and for me it was simple enough to ask her politely to call for more assistance.”
According to Dr. Scott, “There is also the other side of the coin.” She elaborates, “When I accidentally or inadvertently profit from a situation at the expense of another, I am very uncomfortable until I can correct it – rebalance the equation so to speak.” She relates, “This past summer on vacation in St. Simon’s Island I was in a tiny jewelry store and tried on a ring and a bracelet. I decided to get the bracelet and purchased it. Three hours later, after we had lunch and returned to our rental, I discovered I still had the ring on.” “At this point,” she says, “I’m assuming that the police had been called and I’m a wanted criminal. I called the store immediately to explain and the call goes to voicemail. We jump in the car, return to the store, and give the ring back to a confused clerk who had no idea it had even been missing. My panic subsided as I felt the universe swinging back into equilibrium.”
As Dr. Scott points out, “It is not always easy doing the right thing particularly when it comes to financial issues. You may know you need to prepare for retirement or potential long-term care but may be reluctant to proceed and/or don’t know how to begin.”
The entire article can be read at
About Dr. Sabrina Scott
Sabrina Scott learned about Veterans Benefits and Medicaid when her parents sought legal services for long-term care. Confident she could find ways to preserve her family’s resources and still get access to Government Assistance, Sabrina felt there should be more options than relying on welfare. As a result, Dr. Scott became an investment advisor representative who can make recommendations regarding securities and became licensed in insurance as well. She co-founded Red Feather Financial with Victoria Collier to help those who want to have a plan in place in order not to outlive their resources and who do not want to be a burden to their children.
About Victoria Collier
Victoria L. Collier, CELA founded The Estate & Asset Protection Law Firm to serve the legal needs of retiring individuals. Victoria is also Co-Founder of Red Feather Financial. At both firms WE BELIEVE that people should not have to lose everything they’ve worked a lifetime to earn and that every person is an individual who deserves respect and the highest quality of life possible, regardless of age or ability. We also believe that privacy and protection are the keys to personal peace. Victoria was appointed by Governor Perdue to the Georgia Council on Aging, 2010 – 2016 and was awarded Dekalb County Veteran of the Year, 2013. She is the author of 47 Secret Veterans Benefits for Seniors; Paying for Long Term Care – Financial Help for Wartime Veterans: The VA Aid & Attendance Benefit.
About Red Feather Financial
Red Feather Financial is an independent financial advisory firm born with a singular mission: to financially empower our clients and protect their financial future. Most people come to see us because they are worried about having enough money for retirement and long-term care costs. We help by showing our clients how they can leverage their assets in the most tax-efficient and cost-effective ways.