Cheryl Robertson Helps Advisors Plot A Course To A More Secure Retirement For Their Clients
A Former Labor and Employment Lawyer, The Founder Of The Corporation for Social Security Claiming Strategies (CSSCS) Helps People Negotiate the System’s Nearly 3000 Filing Rules
Plainville, MA – March 31, 2015 – Returning to the workforce after taking ten years off to focus on raising the first four of her five children, former labor and employment attorney, Cheryl Robertson, secured her insurance and securities licenses in order to become a financial services professional and partner at Commonwealth Financial, a Mass Mutual general agency located in Boston, Massachusetts.
Immersing herself in that realm and working almost exclusively with current and prospective retirees, she quickly realized that the vast majority of those with whom she met lacked the proper information, advice and resources regarding one of the most critical issues regarding their financial future: when and how to claim their Social Security Retirement benefits.
Six months into this new chapter in her life, she gave birth to her fifth child. But some powerful statistics she encountered motivated her to figure out a way to balance motherhood while living out her passion to help people understand the complexities and nuances of the Social Security system.
Once Cheryl learned nearly 10,000 baby boomers were retiring each and every day – all of whom could benefit greatly by working with advisors that possessed the expertise necessary to help them make the best possible decision about when and how to file for Social Security retirement benefits – she embarked on the course to create that which was to become CSSCS.
With American corporations eliminating more than 84,000 pension plans since 1985, and with the stock market experiencing over a decade of unprecedented volatility, Cheryl was acutely aware of how important this decision had become for what is the first generation in history required to self-fund their retirement. While the average working American might know enough to file and receive their Social Security benefits, the system, with nearly 3,000 filing rules, is wrought with traps and run by a government agency that is prohibited from dispensing advice.
Cheryl’s company, the Corporation for Social Security Claiming Strategies (CSSCS) is an outgrowth of the cottage marketing industry that has sprung up in recent years thanks to the new filing strategies made available as part of the Senior Citizens Freedom to Work Act, passed into law in 2001. Launched in October 2014, with a home base in Plainville, MA, CSSCS is engineered to provide financial professionals with the expertise needed to help the Boomer generation plot the course to a better retirement.
By utilizing various Social Security claiming strategies, sophisticated retirement income advisors, like those that have completed her course, are able to use this knowledge to mitigate the long-term risk their clients face of running out of money in retirement. While the original program was piloted in the independent advisor community, CSSCS has now opened up its educational doors to a wider universe of advisors, legal, CPAs, estate planners, tax advisors and Human Resources professionals.
The only comprehensive retirement training organization in the financial services industry focused exclusively on educating professionals on the nuances of Social Security retirement planning, the organization creates and provides a training course on Social Security retirement benefits and claiming strategies and provides advisors with the opportunity, for those inclined to do so, to sit for a comprehensive exam that if completed successfully will provide them with the Certified in Social Security Claiming Strategies designation.
While she has her immediate sights set on webinars and live training in various parts of the country, Cheryl and her staff offer students online access to a dynamic curriculum that can be studied at their own pace.
Cheryl is pleased to say that in just a few short months since her launch, the program is already helping countless advisors across the U.S. build more fortified retirement income plans for their clients. “The educational portion of the course has a component which speaks directly to how an advisor can apply this knowledge in their every day practices to further benefit clients,” she says. “The idea that after completing my course advisors can take plans that wouldn’t work before and, by leveraging all the value and power that Social Security can bare, now have the skill set needed to turn them into something that works is very satisfying!”
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