Certified Business Coach, Licensed Attorney and Best-Selling Co-Author, Jennifer Anderson, Has Tips To Prepare Entrepreneurs For Post Pandemic Success.

Certified business coach, licensed attorney and best-selling co-author, Jennifer Anderson, provides a few ideas that when practiced can ensure sustainable personal and business goals..

San Antonio, TX – April 29, 2020 – Jennifer Anderson, attorney, Business Coach and co-author of The Art Of Success with Jack Canfield, posted a new article on her company website entitled Preparing Yourself And Your Business For The Post Pandemic Climate, in which Ms. Anderson talks about making well-being the highest priority.

Anderson states, “COVID19 has brought life as we have previously known it to a bit of a standstill. Many of my clients describe feeling disoriented, losing track of time as if we are all on an extended pause.”

“For those of you who were in the early planning stages or had recently launched a business,” says Anderson, “you may be wondering if you’ll be able to continue pursuing your business dreams. Well,” she adds, “one thing I know for certain is that dreams fueled by true passion can withstand any challenge. We don’t know exactly what the outcome of this global health challenge will be. However, we can count on a few things that will remain constant.”

According to Anderson, “During this time, while your business may be on hold or merely hanging on, there are many things you can do that will serve you in the post-pandemic climate.” She elaborates, “Most importantly is having a daily practice or routine that cultivates a healthy mindset and a healthy body. That includes following the protocols established for social distancing and washing your hands frequently.”

As Anderson points out, “As we are all learning from COVID19, our health truly is our greatest wealth.” She further adds, “When you make your well-being your highest priority you can take care of your loved ones and your business better. And, when you make your well-being your highest priority, your mind and skills can become laser-sharp, so you can make more money.”


Read the entire article at http://jenandersonconsulting.com/2020/04/28/preparing-yourself-and-your-business-for-the-post-pandemic-climate/


About Jennifer Anderson

Jennifer Anderson is a licensed attorney and certified coach, certified practitioner of neurolinguistic programming, certified hypnotist, and certified Timeline Therapy practitioner.

Both as a student and as a consultant, Jennifer has trained in enhancing performance and productivity in all areas of life for more than 20 years. She has dedicated her career to helping clients solve problems, overcome limitations, and achieve success in their personal and professional life.

After graduating from University of Texas at Austin and University of Houston Law Center, Jennifer has dedicated her legal practice to assisting entrepreneurs with their business, real estate, and estate planning needs.




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