Business Transformation Expert, Steve Blue, Speaks at “Business on Broadway™”
Steve Blue recently spoke at “Business on Broadway™” as a part of the Success Live® Tour.
Winona, MN– Feb 27, 2019 – President and CEO of Miller Ingenuity, Steve Bluerecently spoke at the Samuel J. Friedman Theatre in New York City as a featured speaker at Business on Broadway™. As a member of the Success Live® Tour, Steve Blue shared his story along with powerful insights and the path he took that led him to the Broadway stage to share that story with his fellow Success Live® Tour peers.
The Success Live® Tour is comprised of a group of professionals in various industries traveling across the country sharing their life lessons and insights on how to achieve success to aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners.
The next stop of the tour will be in Hollywood, CA at the National Association of Experts, Writers, and Speakers® ThoughtLeader® Summit.
About Steve Blue:
Steven L. Blue is an internationally-recognized expert in transforming rust-belt companies into high-tech powerhouses. He teaches senior rust-belt executives how to revitalize their companies, triple profit, and leave the competition behind using his proven formula of igniting Innovational Potential®. Steve promotes his methods of transformation through speaking engagements and media contributions, as well as his own podcast and article series dedicated to interviewing innovative CEOs who have successfully transformed their organizations. He is the best-selling author of five critically acclaimed books that target executives, leaders, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking to learn the secrets of success in the corporate world. Steve’s latest book, Metamorphosis: From Rust-Belt to High-Tech in a 21st Century World, is a detailed blueprint for CEOs and senior leaders to transform their businesses from failing rust-belt companies with small margins into high-tech leaders with superior profits.
Christine Enberg
Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency®