Business Strategist Pa Joof Says Good Health Is Fundamental For Wealth-Building

LONDON, UK — Feb 17, 2015 — Coach and business strategist Pa Joof published a new blog post entitled, “Why You Need to Get Healthy Before You Can Get Wealthy.” In the article, he discusses three reasons why improving one’s health is a necessary precursor to becoming more financially successful.

Says Joof, “If you’ve ever fallen prey to a day of junk food and telly watching, you already know that these unhealthy behaviours don’t prepare you for success in work or in life. When your body is in great shape, so is your mind — and only then can you have the creative breakthroughs and successes that can translate to extra money in your pocket.”

Pa Joof is an internationally recognized keynote speaker, business leader, and life coach with “Elite Trainer” status. His engaging keynote speeches have helped tens of thousands of people create better lives for themselves. One of the world’s busiest and most sought-after speakers, Pa is an expert in unleashing potential and wealth creation.

The entire article can be found here

About Pa Joof:

Internationally renowned as a business leader, motivational speaker, and life coach, Pa Joof is an expert in unleashing human potential. The former European Head of Banking for a Fortune 500 company, Pa oversaw sales and corporate training initiatives and was responsible for over $1 billion in assets. Having risen to such heights, Pa took on the challenge of helping others do the same. Now, Pa shares his inspiring story with others, using his entrepreneurial spirit and life-affirming attitude to motivate others into surpassing their greatest expectations.


Posted Under: Pa Joof