Business Coach James Bennett Says Unplug Every Day For Better Job Performance
Canadian business and leadership coach James Bennett describes the negative impact of over-connectedness on job performance and offers five easy ways to unplug.
Toronto, ON — Dec 11, 2014 — FocalPoint coach and Summit Effect owner James Bennett published a new blog post entitled “Why Peak Performance Means Unplugging Every Day.” In the post, he explains why the constant noise of emails, texts, and social media prevent people from doing their best work and how to beat distractions while staying adequately connected.
Says Bennett, “Yes, being in constant contact means we can get work done, lightening-fast. The bad news? Failing to unplug often enough can have a negative impact on your job performance.”
James Bennett, business mentor and leader of the Summit Effect, helps entrepreneurs define and implement the brilliant distinctions that allow them to develop better processes, offer superior services, and expand their customer base so they can generate more revenue and have more fun. As a Certified Professional Business Coach, James helps small-to-mid-sized businesses across all industries, with a special emphasis on the technology sector.
Read the whole article here.
About The Summit Effect:
The Summit Effect is renowned coach James Bennett’s business performance consultancy. James’s years as a business mentor have allowed him to develop customized solutions that help identify why many businesses don’t expand their revenue base as quickly as they would like. Drawing from the framework of FocalPoint International Inc., the world’s premiere business coaching organization, the Summit Effect is the way business owners in Toronto and beyond learn to expand their customer base so they can generate more revenue and have more fun.