Author Jim Stacey Featured on NBC as Guest on “Meet The Experts With Arielle Ford”
Jim Stacey, author of Jesus Was Not A Christian, was recently seen on NBC and other network affiliates across the country as an expert guest on “Meet The Experts With Arielle Ford.”
Orlando, Fla. – May 24, 2011 – Jim Stacey, author of Jesus Was Not A Christian, was recently an expert guest on “Meet The Experts With Arielle Ford”. Author and publicist Arielle Ford, one of the Country’s leading marketing experts, hosts the show that was recently featured on NBC and other major network affiliates across the country.
“Meet The Experts With Arielle Ford” features an interview format, with Ms. Ford interviewing best-selling authors, business leaders and marketing experts from around the world. Jim Stacey was one of Arielle’s recent guests, discussing his book Jesus Was Not A Christian.
As a former minister, Jim Stacey uncovers how Christianity has perverted the message of Jesus in Jesus was not a Christian. Instead of practicing love for our neighbors, love for enemies, turning the other cheek, the kingdom within, and birthing a new self that Jesus said were paramount for one who claims to follow him, Christians have blindly followed church rules and regulations. In the book, Stacey shows just how much has been lost, including a recognition of the feminine face of God.
As the former president and founder of The Ford Group, a successful public relations and marketing firm, Arielle Ford helped launch the careers of Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen creators of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and Neale Donald Walsch author of Conversations With God. She has also handled publicity for myriad best-selling authors including; Wayne Dyer, Dean Ornish, Debbie Ford, Gary Zukav, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, don Miguel Ruiz, Kenny Loggins and many other notable authors, 11 of whom became #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.
“Meet The Experts With Arielle Ford” was produced by Nick Nanton, Esq. and JW Dicks, Esq. Dicks and Nanton are also the founders and producers of the organization and TV show, America’s PremierExperts®.
To learn more about Jim Stacey and the new book, please visit