Author Ade Djajamihardja Hits Amazon Best-Seller List With New Book
Ade Djajamihardja recently hit two separate best-seller lists with his new book, “The Little Book of Hope.”
Orlando, FL – November 4, 2014 – Author Ade Djajamihardja is enjoying the stellar launch of his new book, The Little Book of Hope: For Stroke Survivors, Caregivers and Anyone Else Going Through A Really Shit Time. Officially launched On October 29, 2014 by leading book publishing company, CelebrityPress™, The Little Book of Hope reached best-seller status in two separate categories: “Strokes” and “Self Help-Psychology Humor.”
The Little Book of Hope includes a foreword by international best-selling author Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul). A video testimonial by Mr. Canfield can be viewed on the book’s website:
Ade Djajamihardja has been actively engaged in the film and television industry at a national and international level for the past 25 years. Ade’s professional career began at a young age when he floor-managed the news for ABCTV at just 19. His professional career then progressed to Assistant Director positions with ABC’s Light Entertainment, Comedy and Drama Units for such iconic Australian programs as: “Countdown Revolution”, “The Big Gig”, “DAAS KAPITAL, “The Late Show” and “Phoenix”. Overseas expatriate tenures then followed in Singapore and Malaysia where he co-produced the biggest historical epic film in Malaysia’s history “Puteri Gunung Ledang” aka “A Legendary Love”, which was also the first film from Malaysia to be short-listed to be considered for Oscar nomination.
Jesse Djajamihardja (son of the author) describes in the book:
“When I first heard that my father had a stroke, I felt a large part of my world had collapsed around me. I was told that the chances of him making it through the coma were slim, and that if he managed to wake up, he may never speak, move or communicate again. I felt broken at the thought of not being able to help him. Never before had I prayed so hard to not lose someone I loved so dearly. As I watched my father slowly ascend on the road to recovery, something profoundly changed in me and in the way I viewed the world. I realized that believing in yourself, and taking each day one step at a time, knowing things will be better than the day before, can truly make all the difference.
My father, against all odds, proved that his will was so strong… he would look death straight in the face and not blink. When they said he would spend several months, maybe even years in the hospital, he defied those odds. When they said he may never be able to stand up or walk again, he defied those odds. He never lost hope, and showed me, our family, so many others, and himself, that you CAN achieve what someone tells you is not possible. Even as his teenage son, I don’t think I will ever be able to comprehend just how much the stroke affected him. In fact I don’t think anyone can imagine the kind of journey someone like my dad has gone on, except others who had been down this same path. This book provides great insight into what stroke survivors have been through and how to provide support for those in need. Most importantly, it proves just how much a little bit of hope can go a long way. I’ve never been more proud to be his son!”
Here is what others are saying about the book:
“…this little book which was written with a big heart will not only help people who are stroke survivors or healing from an illness, it’s also an insightful guide to everyday life for anybody who is facing any kind of challenge in their life.” ~ Jack Canfield, Co-creator Chicken Soup for the Soul Book Series and The Success Principles, and featured teacher in the movie, The Secret
“… The Little Book of Hope is a must-read for anyone who faces adversity, and for those of us who help care for them.” ~ Associate Professor Peter Hwang, Neurosurgeon, The Alfred Hospital and Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
“…Ade and Kate tell their story openly and honestly, resulting in this very special book, which made me cry but also made me nearly wet my pants I laughed so hard. The Little Book of Hope is a tonic for your body and mind and soul and I highly recommend it to ANYONE and EVERYONE who is just trying to live life.” ~ Jane Kennedy, Producer, Presenter and Author
Order your copy of The Little Book of Hope at
More About Ade Djajamihardja:
Ade, with wife and primary caregiver, Kate Stephens, own and run A2K Media, which they formed in 2007. A2K Media specializes in media collaborations with Asia- – and beyond. It was during this era of Ade’s life that he co-created and executive produced both Indonesian Film Education Screenings and the Australian Malaysian Film Festival. He also co-produced the Indonesian feature film “Kambing Jantan” (Male Goat) and was one of the producers for GNW TV’s “Salam Café”, which was a pioneering comedy panel talk show that screened on SBS; based on life within Australia’s Muslim community.
As life’s twists would have it, Ade joined the board of the not-for-profit organization, Disability Media Australia, just three days prior to suffering a massive brain hemorrhage stroke. Due to this stroke, Ade required emergency life-saving brain surgery under an induced coma, seven months in hospital, learning how to sit upright, feed himself, then learning how to read and speak clearly and coherently. He was not expected to survive. He is now in the process of learning to walk (and hopefully dance) again! Ade is looking forward to making a substantial a contribution to advance the rights, inclusion and increased visibility of people with disabilities in the media, by sharing their stories and their talent. Ade together with his wife Kate, has written his first book, The Little Book of Hope for Stroke Survivors, Care Givers and Anyone Else Going Through a Really Shit Time. Ade’s wish is that this book will inspire, motivate and give hope to stroke survivors and care givers as well as anyone else who may be struggling. This book will also hopefully heed as a warning to many, so that they will stop and count their blessings, prioritize their life, so that a major health disaster is prevented and a balanced happy life prevails. –
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