Anthony Parent: IRS Medic: Breaking Tradition and Finding Healing Tax Solutions

Wallingford, CT – December 7, 2011 – What might be considered an unconventional philosophy, Anthony Parent, IRS Medic Founder and partner at Parent and Parent, LLC, believes that aside from his credentials it’s his empathy towards the IRS and the agents he works with daily that help make him and his tax law firm a success.

“We put ourselves in the shoes of the IRS. No one ever listens to the IRS employee—we respect the position that they’re in and because of that they’re really willing to help us out in ways that they’re able to and that can make all the difference and can lead to a different solution,” he says.

Founded in 2006 by the father and son team, David and Anthony Parent, IRS Medic focuses solely on helping individuals overcome tax issues whether its audit representation, bankruptcy, reducing penalties and interest, and a new specialized tax issue voluntary disclosure.

“We approach things differently.  We believe a client’s tax problem was caused by something bad happening in their life—a series of mistakes or some bad things happening that they didn’t have the greatest control over,” he says.  “We get these people to never have to get in this place again.”

It’s that encouraging, go-getter attitude, and unconventional manner that resonate so well with his clients. Combined with an upfront, flat-rate fee with no additional hidden costs, his clients not only know exactly what to expect, they are reassured that when working with Parent, his established relationships with the IRS will result in the best solution possible.

“My whole goal was to fight for the little guy and the best surprise is that’s what I do every day,” he says.

Doing the right thing is imperative to Parent and it’s why after only five years his firm is one of the biggest tax law firms in Connecticut.

“People don’t care about the IRS, they care about how their life is destroyed by the IRS.  People feel shame, fear and wonder how they’re going to get through this, how it’s ruining every part of their life,” he says.  “I think a lot of firms treat tax issues as a legal problem but we treat it as people’s lives.”

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