Entrepreneur Peter A. Howley Hits Amazon.com Best Seller List With “Trendsetters”
Peter A. Howley, entrepreneur and business growth expert, recently hit two separate Amazon.com best-seller lists with the new book “Trendsetters.”
Orlando, Fla. – October 24, 2011 – Peter A. Howley, Chairman of The Howley Management Group, recently joined a select group of business experts and entrepreneurs to collaborate and co-write the business and marketing book titled Trendsetters: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal Top Trends To Help You Achieve Greater Health, Wealth and Success! The book was released by CelebrityPress™, a leading business, marketing and health book publisher.
Trendsetters: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal Top Trends To Help You Achieve Greater Health, Wealth and Success! was released on Thursday, October 6, 2011 and features top advice from leading entrepreneurs, business owners and marketing experts from around the world. The authors tackle an array of subjects ranging from health, wealth, marketing and business success. Peter A. Howley contributed a chapter titled “The Time Honored Trendsetters are Leadership and Culture.”
On the day of release, Trendsetters reached best-seller status in two Amazon.com categories: Entrepreneurship and Direct Marketing.
Peter A. Howley is a serial entrepreneur with unprecedented successful experience in building high growth disruptive technology and service companies in a broad array of industries including telecom, mobile, healthcare, social media and various internet sectors. As Chairman of The Howley Management Group he works closely with Entrepreneurs, CEO’s and Boards to turn good ideas into great fast growing sustainable businesses.
About the Book:
Are YOU a TRENDSETTER? By definition, a Trendsetter is not a follower. So, what is a Trendsetter? Is it a leader? Leadership can mean leading in thought, word or deed, or some combination of all three. In the Business World, thought has no future if bounded by inaction – commonly referred to as ‘analysis paralysis’ – so thought and deed are invariably intertwined. Now combine those two with the ‘word’ portion of the trifecta of thought, word and deed, and now…we have the prospect of leadership and success. So, are you a Trendsetter? You may be. There is no prescription for one, but you can compare your goals and achievements with the benchmarks made by those in this book. In this book, we give you a number of our Celebrity Experts® who are Trailblazers and Trendsetters. They have done it! These are successful experts who made their mark and share with you how they and their concepts developed. Can Trendsetting be emulated? Absolutely, but you, yourself, will have to personally work through the stages of thought, word and deed…just like these leaders have. May you be crowned by your definition of Success! What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. ~ Zig Ziglar
After such a successful release Peter A. Howley will be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.
To order a copy of the book, go to http://www.celebritypresspublishing.com/publications/trendsetters.php
To learn more about Peter A. Howley, please visit http://www.howleymanagement.com/
About Peter A. Howley:
“It would be hard to find an advisor with a broader depth of experience, and more integrity, than Peter Howley. When I needed no-nonsense straight shooting advice, I always thought to call him first.” Steve O’Neil, Founder of ITC ThinkLink
Peter Howley has the unusual reputation, even in Silicon Valley, for making good things happen fast. He has the distinction of accelerating a disruptive Silicon Valley venture backed company, quickly leading it through an IPO and later acquisition, into the pages of American business history as CEO. Centex Telemanagement was recognized as one of the fastest growing, best managed, most profitable companies in both good and bad economies in America. Howley initiated an innovative and successful business culture that retains a magical cult status within customer service focused companies such as Zappos.
Mr. Howley joined the founders of Exodus Communications at its inception. He advised and served on the Board through IPO until June 2000. Exodus still holds a NASDAQ record for 13 consecutive quarters of greater than 40% revenue growth.
“Great guy and huge reason why Exodus succeeded” Craig Buda, Senior Sales Executive
Later as the Co-founder and CEO of IPWireless, Inc., Howley raised more than $120 million in venture capital. His leadership was instrumental in the company’s successful growth and acquisition by Nextwave.
“Pete has the rare ability to provide broad strategic advice matched with keen insight on the operational details that keep new ventures afloat and all stakeholders engaged and encouraged. This was crucial to my early success at SOS Wireless. Pete comes by these talents the old fashioned way; through a great education, tremendous experience, brainpower, and a hefty dose of practicality.” Gene Russell, President and CEO, SOS Wireless, Inc.
Mr. Howley frequently speaks to business and students groups.
About Celebrity Press™:
Celebrity Press™ is a business book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. Celebrity Press™ specializes in helping its authors grow their businesses through book publishing. Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Brian Tracy, Dr. Ivan Misner, Ron LeGrand, Mari Smith, Kelly O’Neil, Alexis Martin Neely and many of the biggest experts across diverse fields.
If you’d like to learn more about Celebrity Press™ or to see if we’re a good fit for your book project, please visit http://www.celebritypresspublishing.com/contact-us