Tax Resolution Attorney John P. Willis Writes About The Relief Lower And Middle Income Taxpayers Will Feel If Daniel Werfel Is Confirmed As IRS Commissioner.

A photograph of someone in jeans and a black t-shirt holding outturned pockets.

Tax resolution attorney John Willis, CEO, and founder of IRSALLSTAR, considers the positive effect that the confirmation of Daniel Werfel as IRS Commissioner could have on a large number of American taxpayers.

Fairhope, AL, February ** 2023: Tax Attorney John Willis, CEO and founder of, recently published a blog on his website entitled “Maybe The IRS Will Finally Leave Middle- And Lower Income Taxpayers Alone, in which Mr. Willis writes about the taxpayers the IRS typically audit.

“It’s been going on forever,” Willis writes. “The IRS takes the easy way out when it comes to auditing taxpayers. They go for the low-hanging fruit – those people who have the fewest resources and least amount of wherewithal to question or fight back.” As Willis notes, “I call those people the underdogs and I have made it my business to help these taxpayers that the IRS goes after.” Willis states, “It is well documented that the IRS more frequently audits taxpayers who make the least amount of money instead of going after those who make the most amount of money. Those who make the least amount may have made an honest mistake which red-flagged their tax returns, while those who make the most are often likely to have crossed some lines attempting to avoid paying their appropriate share of taxes.”

According to Willis, “All this could change if Daniel Werfel, President Biden’s nomination for the new IRS commissioner is confirmed. Mr. Werfel has stated that he, “will commit to not increasing tax audits on businesses and households making less than $400,000 per year.”

“This is important,” says Willis adding, “because a recent Stanford University study showed that IRS data-driven algorithms chose Black taxpayers to audit up to 4.7 times the rate of non-Black taxpayers. Meanwhile, another report from Syracuse University has noted that the number of millionaires being audited has plummeted over the last decade with a 72% decline from 2012 through 2020.”

The entire blog can be read HERE.


Mr. Willis believes strongly in supporting and representing the “underdog” and has devoted his entire professional life to protecting and defending those who need it most. As an attorney, Mr. Willis takes his role as “counselor” seriously. His knowledge, creativity and persistence are valuable assets that provide substantial benefits to his clients. He has represented individuals and businesses across the Gulf Coast for over 25 years and he brings together an abundance of skills and experience that can be of assistance to almost anyone.


The IRSALLSTAR team has developed a winning formula to ensure that each client’s individual needs are specifically met. Upon becoming a client of Mr. Willis’ law firm, that client’s immediate needs are assessed, and long-term goals are defined. Experienced professionals on the IRSALLSTAR team then assist each client in developing and implementing a custom-tailored game plan to provide both short-term and long-term relief from his or her serious tax problems. All firm clients are continually coached toward successful tax resolution and final victory over their challenges with the IRS and state taxing authorities.

To learn more about Mr. Willis and his law firm please visit or call toll-free 877-254-4254.

Posted Under: IRSALLSTAR, John P. Willis