Attorney, Greg Jones, Featured in NewsWeek
Attorney, Greg Jones, Featured in NewsWeek
Greg Jones, Owner of Greg Jones Law, was recently featured in NewsWeek as a forecaster of “The Next Big Thing” in his industry.
Wilmington, NC – February 23, 2017 – Attorney Greg Jones, whose practice focuses on liability claims against pharmaceuticals and medical device manufacturers, was recently recognized in “The Next Big Thing” feature in NewsWeek by the National Association of Experts, Writers, and Speakers®. Jones, along with other leading professionals from across the nation, appeared in a full-page spread that ran in the January 27, 2017 edition of NewsWeek. The National Association of Experts, Writers, and Speakers® was founded to honor entrepreneurs and professionals around the world for their contribution to education, enlightenment and the advancement of business.
The NewsWeek feature highlights Jones’ forward thinking by asking him to share “The Next Big Thing” he sees up-and-coming in his industry that consumers need to pay attention to. Jones was quoted saying:
“Gone are the ivory towers of the mega law firms and the home sole practitioner offices around the local courthouse. The Next Big Thing in law is already here: the virtual law office. In which you use email, Skype and e-signatures to complete all aspects of what was traditionally done in a brick and mortar, paper and pen law office.”
NewsWeek is a premier news publication distributed to audiences across the United States. This distinguished outlet disseminates the latest information on, and analysis of, the world’s top stories in politics, technology, and business among many more topics. Jones’s appearance on this national platform allows him to spread his business knowledge and further solidify his reputation as a leader in the medical law industry.
About Greg Jones:
Now in his fourth decade practicing personal injury law, Greg Jones’ success in his home state of North Carolina (previously he had 12 offices in both Carolinas) and throughout the U.S. and now Puerto Rico is grounded in his humble background growing up in and around Charlotte.
While many of his classmates at the University of North Carolina School of Law grew up in well to do families, he paid his way through school working as a teaching assistant, tutor to dyslexic kids, a cafeteria worker, a bagboy, a janitor and pipefitter. The fact that Jones didn’t grow up with a “silver spoon in my mouth” has helped him relate to and empathize with thousands of appreciative clients – and provide “the results, compassion and respect you deserve” – as a member in other firms and as the founder of Greg Jones & Associates, which he launched in 1998.
Despite his many years of favorable verdicts and settlements on individual injury and accident claims (car, trucking and motorcycle accidents, premises liability, dog bites, etc.), Jones has made a conscious shift these past two years to scale down those cases in favor of mass torts involving dangerous pharmaceuticals, medical devices liability and Mesothelioma, an asbestos related cancer. He transferred those smaller cases to his associates and another law firm. Now, he frequently travels across the U.S. attending conferences and representing clients nationwide in Mesothelioma, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and other dangerous drug cases.
Jones enjoyed going against companies for manufacturing harmful drugs. It opened him and Greg Jones Law to a new world of practicing that involved multi-district litigation, the exact opposite of a class action lawsuit. MDL refers to a special legal procedure designed to speed the process of handling complex cases, including product liability lawsuits.
Jones applies the same litmus test when he considers cases involving medical device cases for such things as failed metal hip and knee replacements. He’s worked on cases against the medical device giant Medtronic and on others involving hernia mesh and transvaginal mesh.
You can connect with Jones at:
The National Association of Experts, Writers & Speakers® (NAEWS) was founded to honor entrepreneurs and professionals around the world for their contribution to education, enlightenment and the advancement of business. This organization was created to help people come together and uncover the secrets of the world’s top experts, writers and speakers in order to attain a higher level of success. By providing information, strategies and networking opportunities, the National Association of Experts, Writers & Speakers® enables creative and knowledgeable people to build on their talents to achieve even more personal and professional success.
Courtney Hall
Dicks + Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency
[email protected]