Motivational Speaker and Sales Expert, Tina Meitl Encourages a Change of Attitude
Author, Transformational Motivational Speaker and Sales Superstar, Tina Meitl, reveals how a change in attitude gave her the power to overcome brutal childhood events that led her to years of devastating negativity and knows that anyone can change their attitude to lead to a more successful happy life.
OBERLIN, KS – August 2, 2016 – Tina Meitl, Sales Superstar, Motivational Speaker and co-author of the best-selling book, Success Manifesto with Brian Tracy has posted a new article on her website entitled, “The Power of Attitude.” According to Ms. Meitl, “attitude is everything.”
Meitl writes, “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.” She continues adding, “No one, not you nor I can change the past. But we can play with the cards we hold at this moment and have an impact on the future. Or if you prefer a musical analogy, you can play the one string you always have – and that’s your attitude.”
According to Meitl, “Something else I’ve learned though the years is that most people generally don’t have a high level of attitude awareness. They will know if they are hungry or if their feet hurt, but,” she adds, “they usually don’t have a good handle on their attitude.” She elaborates, “Many people are keenly aware of other people’s attitude, particularly if they think it’s a bad attitude. However, most people, if you asked them, would probably think they have a good attitude. But, the more you pursue the topic, it begins to dawn on them that they rarely think about their attitude.”
“Helping people become aware of their attitude,” says Meitl, “is so important simply because attitude is everything. It governs the way you perceive the world and the way the world perceives you.”
The entire blog can be read at
About Tina Meitl
Tina M Meitl is a motivational public speaker who shares her message of transformation with audiences internationally and throughout the United States. She also is an insurance agent for Farm Bureau Financial Services, where she builds a connection and is able to help her clients make solid financial decisions while also finding the inspiration in their difficulties to use as a catalyst in creating something superb.
Tina has received many honors such as Life Rookie of the Year, Heritage, Blue Vase Elite and many more. Amongst these honors Tina also graduated from the University of Kansas Graduate School of Business, and she now holds her agent’s license in Nebraska and Kansas. Most recently she is the co-author of the book Success Manifesto with Brian Tracy, and is in the final stages of being certified with the John Maxwell Team.