Business Leader and Financial Services Expert, Perminder Chohan Offers Guidance for Start-up Businesses.
RICHMOND, VANCOUVER BC– June 9, 2015– Award-winning and inspiring business leader and financial services expert, PerminderChohan has posted a new article on the Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network website entitled, “A Start-up Guide for Your Start-up Business.” With many new businesses failing within two years of their start, Mr. Chohan offers advice that could save new business owners from failure.
Chohan writes, “Everyday someone launches bravely into the world of self-employment or small business ownership. Starting you own business is always a courageous act.” He goes on to add, “Whether you are stepping out on your own as a self-employed consultant, architect, designer, writer or are hanging your shingle on a small retail business with a few employees, you will require financial wisdom and guidance to meet all the various ups and downs and other daily demands made upon businesses.”
Many people launch into business with the one skill they know and love. However, as Chohan says, “The range of topics entrepreneurs and business owners need to be aware of and have an understanding of is vast.” Starting with the very first step, Chohan elaborates on the areas that must be taken into consideration. The partial list includes everything from “A financial plan to the legal aspects of starting a business, from merchant checking accounts and insurance that covers vehicles as well as individuals and group coverage for your employees, from payroll services to retirement savings plans and more.”
According to Chohan, “The leap of faith required when you partner with a company that provides the range of required services should not be as daunting as the decision to launch your business.” Continuing, Chohan writes, “Partnering with a company with a history of excellence and expertise simply requires a little due diligence. Once that business relationship is established, then knowing that the day-to-day details are being expertly handled frees you up to do the aspect of your business you do best.”
“Starting small has its advantages,” Chohan says, “especially when you start smart.” Everyone has heard the adage “Every journey begins with the first step.” Chohan agrees, saying, “One step at a time is how journeys are completed, races are won, goals are accomplished and how sensational businesses seem to appear out of nowhere.” He adds, “They never appear out of nowhere. They appear as a result of an accumulation of small victories achieved over time.”
It comes as no surprise then, when Chohan writes, “At Desjardin Financial Security Independent Network we love assisting in the birth of new businesses.” He adds, “We offer a range of services and plans for businesses less than one-year-old.” And to this he adds, “Nothing pleases us more than the strong, familial relationships we have years down the road with successful strong businesses that we helped get started on the right foot.”
The entire article can be found at
About Perminder Chohan
Mr. Chohan started his career in the financial services industry when he joined a Registered Education Savings Plan company in 1998. In six short months, he became their number one agent nationally. In 2003, Mr. Chohan expanded his career spectrum and started in the life insurance industry. Since then he has been instructional to over 200 agents in their career training and development. In 2009, Mr. Chohan joined Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network as a managing director. His office has since proliferated with great business success.
Under Mr. Chohan’s leadership, the financial centre received multiple top awards from the network in categories such as recruiting, business growth and total sales for a centre with less than 50 associates. As of beginning of the fall this year, Mr. Cohan’s team once again leads in sales, recruiting and growth.
About Desjardin Financial Services
Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network with its Quebec counterpart, SFL Partner of Desjardins Financial Security, is a national financial products and services distribution network. All together, the network has over 40 financial centres and more than 1500 independent representatives across Canada.
At Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network, every associate is an independent representative in partnership with the network. This means that our financial services advisors are not limited to a single line of products, and we’re not tied to a specific investment management company or insurance provider. We look at our clients’ individual needs and guide them in choosing the services and products that are right for them.