Founder of Medicine Horse Ranch, Alyssa Aubrey, Takes Leads Readers Out-On-The-Range Where She Learns Lessons About Team-Building From Cowboys And Cattle Herding.
Founder and Executive Director of Medicine Horse Ranch, Alyssa Aubrey illustrates how being unprepared can be dangerous and potentially deadly whether one is out on the range or in the corporate boardroom.
TOMALES, CA – June 27, 2019 – Alyssa Aubrey, Founder of Medicine Horse Ranch and co-author of the best-selling book, The Road To Success, recently posted a new article on her website entitled, “Saddle Up For A Series Of Team-building Lessons Learned From Cowboys,” part one of a continuing series in which Ms. Aubrey shares her cattle herding experience in Nevada’s Great Basin.
Aubrey states, “Cowboys make the best team leaders.” She adds, “It’s no wonder that they’ve always been natural cultural heroes!” Then she extends an invitation to, “Come journey with me over the next few months to discover how I found out what great team-builders cowboys make.”
As Aubrey launches into her story, she writes, “In March of 2017, I found myself hauling my two mustangs in my brand-spanking new 25-foot living quarters trailer for almost 10-hours to a portion of The Great Basin on the outer edges of Nevada.” She elaborates, “I was lured by the invitation of Mike Bridges who has been my horsemanship teacher for 11-years. He was conducting a 15- day working ranch clinic at his son’s 5,000-acre cattle operation. (This is what might be loosely referred to in the corporate world as an “offsite.”) As Aubrey points out, “I knew this invitation to be ‘out on the range’ was going to be way out of my ordinary riding environment and way out of my comfort zone. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to further develop my skills as a rider as well as my confidence.”
“I was the only girl in an otherwise male cadre of other advanced students of Mike’s and real cowboys who do this kind of out-on-the-range work for a living,” Aubrey shares, adding, “Everyone except me had been here before and knew what lay ahead.”
According to Aubrey, “Even though I was the only girl – and a novice – getting ready to go for two-weeks of cattle herding, what I noticed immediately was that I wasn’t treated any differently than anyone else. I was included in all the conversations, apprised of the tasks at hand, the requirements, the precautions.” She states, “It was expected that I would need to step up and step into whatever was needed for the job at hand, once that job was explained to me. No one referred to me or treated me as new, and at the same time I was directed to what I could bite off and chew.”
“This congruency,” says Aubrey, adding parenthetically, “(what the boss said, and what the boss did, matched every time) and built immediate trust.” She emphasizes, “In the course of 20-minutes after meeting everyone, we were ALL ready to give it our all.”
Read the entire article at
About Alyssa Aubrey
Executive Director Alyssa Aubrey, CEGE, is the Founder and Program Director of Medicine Horse Ranch, an educational experiential learning center incorporating horses in human self-development. Alyssa is a writer, teacher, facilitator, empowerment speaker, money coach, and business consultant with over 30 years of experience as both educator and entrepreneur. She is a Certified Equine Guided Educator (CEGE) and a Certified Money Coach through the Financial Recovery Institute.
Alyssa is a seasoned facilitator with broad experiences that arise from coaching over 6500 clients in equine-guided learning processes. She is compassionate and tenacious with a genuine passion for supporting others as they embark on new directions for discovery, recovery and transformation. She considers the herd of Medicine Horse program horses to be partners, healers, teachers and guides in this powerfully transformative, often spiritually awakening experience.
Alyssa’s current focus is developing eligible candidates to become successful in the field of horse and human interaction. She has developed a nationally recognized curriculum that includes best practices and core principles for the field, providing hands-on training and development through intern and apprenticeship participation.