Month: August 2012

Professional Home Staging Expert Megan Morris Publishes New Blog Sharing Summer Staging Tips

Megan Morris, Founder and CEO of residential home staging company, MHM Professional Staging, a sought-after Central Florida firm, offers several home staging tips for her readers. Orlando, Fla. – August 17, 2012 – Megan Morris, Founder and CEO of residential home staging company, MHM Professional Staging, recently published a blog on her website discussing […]

Written by on August 17, 2012

Personal Training Expert Justin Yule Issues Back-To-School Transformation Challenge

Justin Yule, personal training expert and author, announces the 4th Annual Chanhassen Fitness Revolution Back-to-School Transformation Challenge. Chanhassen, Minn. – August 17, 2012 – Justin Yule, of Chanhassen Fitness Revolution and “Look Great at the Lake” Bootcamp, is announcing the 4th Annual Back-to-School Transformation Challenge. After three straight years of unbelievable success, Justin is extremely […]

Written by on August 17, 2012

Health and Fitness Expert Cecily Casey Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress to Release “Results Fitness”

Cecily Casey, health and fitness expert, recently signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading fitness and health book publishing company, along with several leading health and fitness professionals from around the world to release “Results Fitness.” Orlando, Fla. – July 31, 2012 – Cecily Casey has joined a select group of the world’s leading […]

Written by on August 17, 2012

CPA Jack McDonough Featured on CNBC on The New American Dream Show

Jack McDonough, “The IRS Guy”, was recently seen on Fox News, CNN, CNBC and MSNBC as the focus of the TV show, The New American Dream. The show was also seen on NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX network affiliates around the country. Denver, Colo. – August 15, 2012 – Jack McDonough, CPA, author and founder […]

Written by on August 15, 2012

Family Law Attorney Priscilla Pelgen Featured on ABC as Guest on The Brian Tracy Show

Priscilla Pelgen, Indiana based Family Law Attorney, was recently seen on NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX network affiliates around the country as an expert guest on The Brian Tracy Show. Orlando, Fla. – August 15, 2012 – Priscilla Pelgen, also known as “The Indiana Custody and Divorce Lawyer for Men™,” was recently an expert guest […]

Written by on August 15, 2012

Wealth Architect and Author of the Best-Selling Books, Power Principles for Success and Game Changers, Chuck Oliver, Publishes New Article Discussing The Threat Of Inflation

Chuck Oliver, founder of the Hidden Wealth System, warns that inflation is right around the corner Orlando, FL – August 8, 2012 – Wealth Advisor, Chuck Oliver, founder of the Hidden Wealth System, a wealth creation and preservation practice, recently published an article on his website ( discussing the likelihood of severe inflation in the […]

Written by on August 15, 2012

Forensic Accounting Expert Gary Kane Publishes New Blog Sharing Succession Planning Tips

Gary Kane, Owner and Managing Partner of Kane Forensic Accounting, a forensic accounting firm in Orlando, publishes blog discussing the importance of grooming future leaders. Orlando, FL – August 15, 2012 – Gary Kane, Owner and Managing Partner of Kane Forensic Accounting, an Orlando forensic accounting firm, recently published a blog on his website ( […]

Written by on August 15, 2012

Retirement Expert Jack Phelps Publishes New Blog Urging Retirees To Ensure That They Are Receiving The Social Security Benefits They Are Entitled To

Jack Phelps, founder of The Relaxing Retirement Coach, notes that Social Security offices often make mistakes which can cost retirees significant amounts of money. Wellesley, MA – August 5, 2012 – Jack Phelps, founder of The Relaxing Retirement Coach, a Retirement Coaching company, recently published a blog on his website ( discussing social security benefits. […]

Written by on August 15, 2012