“ROI Guy™” Richard Seppala Expands Total Census Solutions and Marketing Tracking Systems to International Market

Richard Seppala, known as the “ROI Guy™”, is expanding his ROI Marketing business, Total Census Solutions to international markets, starting with Australia. 

Orlando, Fla. – July 1, 2009 – Richard Seppala, the ROI Guy™, has provided clients across the United States with marketing tracking systems that puts the power and ease of ‘online’ precision results tracking on autopilot for offline marketing campaigns.  Now, Richard Seppala will be sharing his marketing tracking systems with the rest of the world!  This summer, Richard will start the expansion of his ROI marketing company, Total Census Solutions, to Australia.  

Richard’s marketing systems have proven to help small and medium-sized businesses be able to accurately pinpoint how effective each of their advertising and marketing messages are, to capture contact data and immediately upload it into their marketing software for future campaigns, be able to analyze how they handle their incoming sales calls to maximize their revenue potential, and to have an all-in-one completely automated marketing solution.

“I’m proud of the good ol’ USA –but all the other countries around the world deserve the opportunity to improve their ROI too – and I’m just ‘the ROI guy’ to help them get the job done,” remarked Richard Seppala.

Recently, the ROI Guy™ spotlighted his “I Refer” and “ROI Bridge” Systems.  The “I Refer” program is a new tool that dramatically improves businesses’ marketing word of mouth with a minimum amount of time, effort, and most importantly in this current economic climate, cost.

The “ROI Bridge” automates clients’ marketing campaign responses to such an incredible extent that they receive hard data on which marketing is most effective, capture contact information from every important generated lead, and that information is transcribed and uploaded to their marketing software. Richard’s clients are easily able to see the facts about which advertising was the most effective in generating new leads.

For more information on Your ROI Guy’s™ International expansion, please visit http://www.yourroiguy.com/newsletters/june-2009.php#prod

For more information on Richard Seppala, please visit http://www.YourROIGuy.com


About Richard Seppala:

Richard Seppala, also known as “ROI Guy™,” is obsessed with the question: “What is your return on investment for each of your marketing campaigns?” Constantly in search of the answer to this question, Seppala founded what has now become The ROI Guy in 2005.  The ROI Guy™ provides clients across the country with a marketing tracking system that “puts the power and ease of ‘online’ precision results tracking on autopilot with all of your offline marketing campaigns!”

Critically acclaimed as “The Holy Grail of Marketing,” The ROI Guy™ Tracking System is just that, as there is no easier way to monitor the success or failure of ad campaigns, track marketing response rates, determine return on investment (ROI) and identify strengths and weaknesses of your marketing and customer service programs throughout your business lifecycle.

To learn more about Richard Seppala, The ROI Guy™ and how you can receive the free Special Report “Your Income Explosion Guide:  7 Powerful Reasons Why Your Telephone is the Lifeblood of Your Business,” visit http://www.YourROIGuy.com or call Toll-Free 1-800-647-1909.


Posted Under: Richard Seppala, Your ROI Guy