Veteran Investment Manager Christian Koch Brings Fresh, Customized Strategies To The Retirement Income Planning Process
President/Owner of Atlanta Based KAM South Draws On Extensive Experience As An Equity Research Leader To A Four Step Process System Designed To Build Wealth
Atlanta, GA – September 10, 2014 – In December 2013, Atlanta based veteran investment manager and renowned equity research leader Christian G. Koch was prominently mentioned in a straight shooting Wall Street journal article by Kelly Green entitled “Rethink Your Retirement Income.”
The journalist’s decision to include Koch in an article addressing one of the most important financial issues people face is testament to his vast expertise as an investment manager running a successful and developing firm, his renown as an equity research leader with several decades of experience and a unique array of professional certifications – including being a Certified Private Wealth Advisor (CPWA®), a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA™) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP®).
After years of high profile analyst stints with large companies like Lindner Funds, Fifth Third Bank and Trusco Capital Management, Koch began eyeing his future as the owner of his own firm by applying to Harvard Business School. Working towards completing the Advance Management Program, he gained ample skills in entrepreneurship and leadership while studying under world renowned educators in the business field such as Clay Christensen, Michael Porter and Rosabeth Moss Kanter.
Beyond Koch’s many years of experience in the industry and these certifications, however, is the investment process that Koch developed which includes customized portfolios to achieve predictable and sustainable income. Bringing his natural deep-rooted sense of Southern hospitality to make his clients feel instantly “at home,” Koch works to help them develop an investment retirement plan that supports the “de-cumulation phase,” or distribution of money after years of working to accumulate it.
Koch views his role for his clients as if he is a sentinel/watchman, guarding people from making mistakes and educating them out of the usual “go to” approach of mutual funds, “holding their hands through the process where necessary.”
KAM South’s ability to live up to its branding motto “We Build Wealth” is due to his unique process system where each client works within the firm’s unique Retirement Income Planning Process. It’s a process that perfectly marries the portfolio construction research with the human dynamic of shepherding clients through the process of retirement.
Step One is “Develop A Retirement Vision.” In what he calls “The Right Fit Meeting,” Koch works with prospective clients to establish goals and objectives, identify major risk factors like longevity, inflation, rising health care costs and public policy risks. He also discusses trade-offs between investment strategies and does a thorough review of his slate of services.
Step Two is “Build The Optimal Retirement Portfolio” – also known as “Fundamental Bottoms-Up” or building the portfolio brick by brick. This phase involves individual security selection, creating active investment portfolios to exploit asset mispricing and an active management of risks.
Step Three in Koch’s process is “Retirement Distribution Strategies,” which involved focusing on “de-cumulation issues” in retirement planning; asset location; adding value to client accounts using the tax code; and tax efficient withdrawal strategies in retirement.
Step Four is “Estate & Wealth Transfer Planning,” involving various considerations connected to this aspect of their financial outlook. For clients who need this, Koch helps them evaluate the income tax, estate issues and other risks to the retirement plan. He also monitors and adjusts steps 1-4 as needed.
Estate issues are a personal passion of Koch’s because as an only child growing up in an affluent family, he observed the challenges his parents faced with their estate. Another unique aspect of his background that is that he took the entrepreneurial plunge into the financial planning field after many years in research and analysis. This provided him with a more solid foundation in the industry than starting out as a broker for a huge firm selling specific products.
“One of the things my clients like is that I’m very approachable an am the genuine article when it comes to being responsible for their financial security as they grow older,” he adds. “My goal is not to become a massive firm but to provide a service to people I truly like working with. I don’t base my success on how big KAM South gets but on how happy my clients are with my services.”
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